Category: Coffee Types & Origins

Coffee Types & Origins

What is Gourmet Coffee? A Comprehensive Overview

Did you know that the global market for premium coffee is projected to reach $83.6 billion by 2025? That’s a staggering figure, revealing just how much people value exquisite coffee flavours and a luxury coffee experience. Gourmet coffee, often synonymous with premium or specialty coffee, represents the pinnacle of coffee quality. This isn’t your standard […]

Coffee Types & Origins

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee & Recipe

Have you ever wondered why people around the world love Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee? The answer lies in its unique qualities. Its rich aroma, mild taste, and lack of bitterness truly make it special. Farmers grow this coffee in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica, making it one of the most luxurious varieties available. Today, […]

Coffee Types & Origins

Shade vs. Sun Grown Coffee: Tasting the Difference

Did you know that most of the coffee we drink comes from the sun? Yet studies show shade-grown coffee has better flavour and helps the environment more. This fact kicks off a journey into the tastes of shaded and sun-grown coffee and their impact on your coffee moments. In the coffee world, the tiny details […]

Coffee Types & Origins

Central vs. South American Coffee: My Taste Test

Did you know that over 60% of the world’s coffee comes from Central and South America? This makes it the perfect setting for me to enjoy a coffee adventure. I’m comparing the rich flavours of Central vs. South American coffee. From Colombia’s green mountains to Guatemala’s volcanic lands, each place has its own special coffee […]

Coffee Types & Origins

Kenyan Coffee Taste and My Experience

Did you know Kenya makes more than 50,000 metric tonnes of coffee a year? It’s a big player in the world’s coffee scene. This fact got me really curious. I wanted to learn all about what makes Kenyan coffee special. So, I started a journey that led me to the heart of Kenya’s coffee culture. […]

Coffee Types & Origins

Galapagos Coffee: Exploring the Rich Aroma

Did you know the Galapagos Islands produce less than 0.1% of the world’s coffee? This rare and unique coffee offers a taste like no other. Let’s delve into the intriguing story of Galapagos Coffee. Imagine a blend where volcanic soil, equatorial sun, and diverse ecosystems meet to create a top-class beverage. The beauty of the […]

Coffee Types & Origins

Rare Panama Coffee Varieties: Discover the Unique Flavours

Did you know Panama makes less than 0.1% of the world’s coffee? Yet, it often wins big at coffee contests worldwide. This small country stands out for its rare, top-quality coffee. Join me to explore the rare Panama coffee varieties and Panama’s unique and enchanting coffee scene. We’ll discover rare blends that not only taste […]

Coffee Types & Origins

Cozy Chai Tea Coffee Recipe for a Perfect Brew

Did you know that in a year, Americans drink over 146 billion cups of coffee? Imagine mixing the bold taste of coffee with the warm, spicy notes of chai tea. The chai tea coffee recipe gives you a wonderful mix that you’ll love. It’s a welcoming combination for everyone. If you enjoy making a chai latte […]

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