Tag: Specialty coffee

Recipe & Innovation Corner

Velvet Coffee Indulgence

Have you ever dreamt of coffee that feels like an indulgent dessert in a cup? Welcome to the ultimate guide on creating luxurious coffee blends that tantalize the senses. Imagine combining the rich flavors of premium coffee beans with sumptuous ingredients that elevate your daily cup into a moment of pure luxury. Velvet Coffee promises […]

Coffee Types & Origins

What is Gourmet Coffee? A Comprehensive Overview

Did you know that the global market for premium coffee is projected to reach $83.6 billion by 2025? That’s a staggering figure, revealing just how much people value exquisite coffee flavours and a luxury coffee experience. Gourmet coffee, often synonymous with premium or specialty coffee, represents the pinnacle of coffee quality. This isn’t your standard […]

Coffee Culture & History

Why Coffee Beans Are Oily: A Detailed Look

Why are coffee beans so oily? Did you know that up to 18% of a coffee bean’s weight consists of oils? That’s right! These natural oils are crucial to the coffee bean quality and flavour we all love. When you open a fresh bag of beans and see those glossy coffee beans, you’re actually looking […]

Coffee Types & Origins

Shade vs. Sun Grown Coffee: Tasting the Difference

Did you know that most of the coffee we drink comes from the sun? Yet studies show shade-grown coffee has better flavour and helps the environment more. This fact kicks off a journey into the tastes of shaded and sun-grown coffee and their impact on your coffee moments. In the coffee world, the tiny details […]

Coffee Types & Origins

Central vs. South American Coffee: My Taste Test

Did you know that over 60% of the world’s coffee comes from Central and South America? This makes it the perfect setting for me to enjoy a coffee adventure. I’m comparing the rich flavours of Central vs. South American coffee. From Colombia’s green mountains to Guatemala’s volcanic lands, each place has its own special coffee […]

Coffee & Varieties

Arabica vs. Liberica: Unveiling Coffee Mysteries

Arabica coffee is very popular, making up about 60% of all the world’s coffee. In contrast, Liberia only makes up less than 2%. This shows how different these two types of coffee beans really are. Let’s explore the mysteries of Arabica vs. Liberica coffees. We will learn about their unique flavours, where they come from, […]

Brewing Mastery

Organic Honduran Coffee: A Taste of Purity

Honduras claims the sixth spot globally for coffee production. This might surprise coffee lovers everywhere. Nothing beats the rich and pure taste of organic Honduran coffee. It stands out thanks to its unique flavours, green farming methods, and top-notch quality. Choosing organic Honduran coffee means you’re getting the best Honduras has to offer. And you’re […]

Coffee Types & Origins

Kenyan Coffee Taste and My Experience

Did you know Kenya makes more than 50,000 metric tonnes of coffee a year? It’s a big player in the world’s coffee scene. This fact got me really curious. I wanted to learn all about what makes Kenyan coffee special. So, I started a journey that led me to the heart of Kenya’s coffee culture. […]

Coffee Types & Origins

Galapagos Coffee: Exploring the Rich Aroma

Did you know the Galapagos Islands produce less than 0.1% of the world’s coffee? This rare and unique coffee offers a taste like no other. Let’s delve into the intriguing story of Galapagos Coffee. Imagine a blend where volcanic soil, equatorial sun, and diverse ecosystems meet to create a top-class beverage. The beauty of the […]

Bean Selection & Roasting

Peaberry Coffee Myth: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Beans

Did you know that only about 5% of the coffee beans harvested globally are peaberries? This makes peaberry coffee very rare. It has become popular in the specialty coffee industry. As a unique single-origin coffee, it holds a special spot for many coffee fans.But what’s the deal with the peaberry coffee myth? Let’s explore its […]

Coffee Recipe & Secrets

Puerto Rican Coffee Recipe: My Café Criollo Secrets

Did you know that Puerto Rican coffee beans are among the top 1% of specialty coffees in the world? Yet, the rich and unique flavours of CafĂ© Criollo often remain undiscovered. My journey with this traditional Puerto Rican coffee recipe has been an amazing ride. Today, I’m excited to share the flavours and traditions with […]

Brewing Mastery

what is geisha Coffee? A Rare Brew

Have you ever wondered about Geisha coffee? Why do coffee lovers everywhere talk about it? This special coffee has a luxurious taste and a unique flavour that sets it apart. I’ll show you why people are willing to pay a lot of money for this special drink. This coffee is not your typical coffee. It […]

Recipe & Innovation Corner

what is dream coffee? Your Guide to Nirvana in a Cup

Imagine coffee that feels like a blissful journey to Nirvana. That’s Dream Coffee for you. It transcends ordinary brews, offering a serene experience with each sip. I’ve explored the art of coffee perfection. It’s a blend of precision, passion, and more than just beans. At dawn, I found the Hario V60, transforming coffee-making into an […]

Bean Selection & Roasting

Arabica vs Robusta: The Ultimate Coffee Showdown

Imagine this: nearly every coffee cup worldwide originates from two beans—Arabica vs. Robusta. These beans are crucial to the coffee industry, making up about 99% of its production. My exploration of these beans introduced me to a world of competing flavors. Arabica, known for its sweet taste, makes up 60–70% of global coffee.Robusta, on the […]

Health & Coffee

Organic Coffee Benefits: Health & Taste

Every day, about 2.25 billion cups of coffee fill our mugs worldwide. This shows how much we love this aromatic drink. But there’s more to coffee than just its warmth. Drinking 3 to 5 cups a day can decrease the risk of many chronic diseases. Organic coffee stands out by offering health benefits, great taste, […]

Coffee Culture & History

Second Wave Coffee: Exploring the Charm

The sounds of espresso machines and the scent of fresh coffee make for more than just an ordinary day. They symbolise the Second Wave of Coffee, a key time in coffee’s history. This period transformed coffee into a sign of elegance and social bonding. Brands like Starbucks and Peet’s make artisanal coffee and roasting common […]

Brewing Mastery

Perfect Espresso Shot: Unlock the Secret

Every day, people in the United States drink 124 million espresso-based beverages. Making the perfect espresso shot is more than a morning ritual. It’s a passion and an art. It’s about finding the perfect blend of strength and flavor. I will guide you through essential brewing tips to get that perfect espresso shot. This journey […]

Coffee Culture & History

First Wave Second Wave Third Wave Coffee: Exploring Culture

It is easy to forget in a market where specialty coffee and cutting-edge brewing equipment rule. In the 19th century, Folgers and Maxwell House began a major change. They launched in 1850 and 1892, starting the First Wave by making coffee an everyday item. By the late 20th century, Starbucks had expanded fast under Howard […]

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